Coffee A man was drinking 8 cups of coffee per day. After his session, he reports going down to 1-2 cups per day with no withdrawal symptoms. A woman came in drinking 10-12 cups of coffee per day. After her session, she reports drinking only 2 cups per day. Shoulder and Arm Pain I have degenerative disc disease in my upper back and neck. The pain was excruciating in my shoulder and down my right arm. I went to my medical doctor and he ordered an X-ray. It showed I had osteoarthritis. My medical doctor gave me pain medicine which did not work for me. I went to Dr. Strasburger 6 times the first week and 5 times the second week. I am happy to report my pain went from a 10/10 to a point of being in tears to a 1.5/10 today. I had a lot of pain driving back and forth to appointments. I can now drive almost pain free. Sometimes after my visits my pain would increase but would always feel better the next morning. Dr. Strasburger gave me adjustments in his office and stretched my neck and then I stretched my neck muscles myself at home as well. Thank God for Dr. Strasburger. The Loss of a Loved One It is normal to experience grief following the loss of a loved one. To continue to experience that grief and loss years later though... A patient had come in whose mother had passed away a few years prior, feeling down and depressed that her mother had passed away. We had released a number of different emotions and after the session had felt wonderful, greater than she had in a long time. My Dear Husband Another client returned 3 years to the day after her husband had died. She had been very depressed and with little to no energy or motivation. After an hour of NET, she felt change in a big way. Now she was able to think clearer and do much more than she had before. The Miscarriage (A second one) I have been trying to get pregnant for 7 years. I had my first miscarriage after trying for 5 years. While disappointing, the first miscarriage was not as significantly painful or emotional. Two years later, I had a second miscarriage. This was both physically and emotionally painful and draining. The pain was so severe that it caused me to walk bent over and with a limp. I have had therapy in the past and I thought it would take me years of therapy to get over this. Going to Dr Don for help was not my first thought. But the next day, I scheduled an appointment to see him for some help. He was able to see me right away, thank God! During my treatment, he was able to release all of the emotions rather quickly. He worked with me through the treatment as I cried frequently. As the treatment progressed I was walking straighter and without limping. On the way home, I continued to cry. When I got out of the car, I proceeded into the house and noticed I was walking hunched over. I remembered saying to myself, “Wait a minute, I am better now!” I stood up straight and never looked back. Dr. Strasburger was the miracle I needed in my time of need. Thank you very much for all your help. Penny NET and Abuse (Physical and Mental) A Patient from the West Coast Comic Sans is the font I am using to write this. I feel it best reflects the way I feel since having my NET treatment – happy, easy going and lighthearted. I was born in 1957; I am forty-eight years old. I have been married for twenty-five years, and have two sons who are approaching adulthood. I did not have a pleasant childhood. My mother was nearly forty when I was born and did not seek prenatal care until the eighth month of pregnancy, believing that I was a tumor. She was not happy to have me. My father was a field engineer and traveled all over the world. At times, we would not see him for six months. I was at home, alone, with my mother. She was very abusive to me. It was an odd day when I was not beaten. The beatings would happen over little things, spilling something on my clothes, forgetting something for school, or even for things I had no control over, like a cashier shortchanging her at the grocery store, or a knot in my hair after just waking up. Once, I was beaten for flinching when my mother stood beside me. I’ve had my hair pulled out, my head hit against the wall, been punched, kicked, and had things thrown at me, including knives. Many times in school I was sent to the nurse’s office to check out bruises, but I always lied about what happened. I was too afraid to tell. Sometimes my mother would lock herself in her room for weeks at a time and I would take care of myself. I was seven when that first began. Every day I would try so hard to not do anything wrong but it didn’t seem to matter. I never told anyone about this until I was forty-five. Aside from the physical abuse was mental abuse. I was consistently told that I was not wanted, that my birth had ruined my mother’s life and that I would never become anything. I was stupid and lazy, and to not bother trying because it was a waste of time. Nobody would pick me anyway because they only pick nice girls. I used to seek out friends that I knew my mother liked, somehow believing that I could learn to be good by association. My mother died in 1979 and I have never, ever felt grief, only relief. I did overcome her belief in my stupidity. I am well educated. I have had seven plus years in college, graduating with honors and on the dean’s list every semester, I never could afford books so l taught myself to speed-read and would borrow a book at every opportunity and read chapters quickly. I am able to learn most anything with just a little effort. The laziness, however, was a different story. All my life I have pushed myself way too hard. Unable to ever relax, I have forced myself to work continuously. Waking up early to start and not sitting or stopping until late at night when I could do no more, I sleep. Placing absolutely no value on my efforts, I needed to take on more and more. Oh my friends were so amazed by - how much I could accomplish. The thing is, none of it was ever enough and even in exhaustion I could not seem to overcome my laziness”. Employers love me. I work endlessly, always looking for something more to do. I have always taken jobs at places that were falling apart. I am very organized and can always seem to pull things together. However, the positions I have are always low paying, the kind that rely on dedication to the cause rather than monetary compensation. Never believing I deserved better, I have continued on this course for all of my adult life. I have very little to show for all my effort. The thought of applying for a better position is something I have avoided, because I believed “no one would ever pick me”. At the age of forty-five, I began to reflect on my childhood, my opinion of myself, and the general condition I was in. Even with all my education I could not seem to get myself “past my past”. I thought about counseling but it is so expensive and remember, I work only for the cause, by-passing compensation. I couldn’t afford it. Another note, for years it seemed my neck was almost always in need of adjustment - and I would get headaches constantly. One night of sleeping was all it would take and my neck would be out of alignment. I have had one 2 hour NET treatment. After the treatment, my neck and shoulders were so sore, I could not turn my head. The pain lasted two days and then was gone. My neck has stayed in alignment since then and I believe that carrying the weight of my past with me everywhere was the cause of my neck and headache troubles. I must say NET has changed my life in an amazing way. The treatment focused on of course my mother, but also on my relationship with myself. Since the treatment, the constant negative messages I had been telling myself regarding my worthlessness have ceased. Just simply stopped playing. My head is quiet. When I look around I see and appreciate the beautiful home and family I have, how nice my yard looks, how wonderful my friends are, and how hard my puppy works to chew his new bone. I still get up early and do chores, but I relax now every evening. For the first time in my life I am enjoying being alive. I really am a good person and I have value, even if I am not doing a single thing! Yesterday I submitted my first resume for a position that I have been interested in for a long time. It would triple my salary. Frankly, they would be fortunate to have me. Molestation and NET For most of my life I was just an observer – Never really living my experiences but being on the sidelines as if watching a movie. For more than 30 years I suffered dissociative disorder. As a child, I was molested by a family member on a daily basis. I was assured by my mother that I was worthless, ugly and stupid and most of all should never have been born. Coupling the shame and the rejection in order to survive, I emotionally separated myself from life. However, survival was not enough! I wanted to LIVE! That’s when I discovered Dr. Donald Strasburger and NET. At first, I thought it sounded silly and would never help – but I also knew that spending the rest of my life just talking about my problems was useless. So, I made the appointment. I found Dr. Strasburger to be warm and welcoming. The experience was enlightening and insightful – also rather enjoyable. Much to my surprise, NET combined with Dr. Strasburger’s technique and spirituality has changed my life. The pain from my deep scars has disappeared! I sleep like a baby, enjoy my friends and finally participate in living. I’m now the star of the movie – Life is Good! NET for Children After the 9/11 terrorist attacks, my young daughter, at that time 8 years old, was convinced the terrorists were coming to our home to steal and kill us. She was afraid, especially at night and began having trouble falling asleep, nightmares and wetting the bed. [Remembering the idea when someone is so afraid, their bladder would release.] After one visit of NET, she was no longer afraid, the nightmares stopped as well as the nighttime accidents. She slept better and was generally much happier. Then about 6 months later, something occurred in our neighborhood to terrify her again and the problems returned. Again, one visit to Dr. Strasburger using NET was all that was needed to stop those problems. NET and Business Another time of noteworthy success is when I started a new job. I work in a manufacturing plant that uses many different types of lubricants and oils. The air in the plant is always filled with a sort of “mist”. Even though I work in the office and am not exposed to that environment daily, I would get headaches, exhaustion, and a general feeling of malaise and fatigue if I went into the shop, even if for only a brief time. Within a week of starting this job, I was in Dr. Strasburger’s office asking for help. I have not had those problems since then and I am at the same job for 6 years now. Dr. Don has helped me with many different things, from occasional back and shoulder pain to frequent trips to the bathroom during the night. I recommend his services to everyone I talk to who is looking for relief from any ailment, emotional or physical. If you need help, get there as soon as you can! RELIEF from just about anything is available. Just ask! Susan B NEAT Art Since 9/11, and with all of the violence in the schools these days plus cyber bullying on the rise along with teen suicide, it is no wonder that the schools have a zero tolerance policy for violence. About 5-6 years ago, a client had a daughter get in trouble for drawing a violent picture in school. She was to get help or she was going to be in bigger trouble. Since a picture is worth a thousand words (and many emotions as well), I told the client to bring her daughter and the picture in for her a session. During the session, we uncovered the stuck emotions she was having when she drew the picture using NET. Remember, emotions are normal. It is when they are stuck, they become a problem. She expressed her feelings using a picture and we were able to help her release them through NET. NET and Anxiety Dear Dr. Don, This is a letter Dr. Don to thank you for giving me tranquility and breathe back into my life. space When I came to you, I could hardly catch a breath. I had so much tension, fear, anger and sadness built up inside of me. For months I was not sleeping basically at all. I wasn’t eating and kept losing weight. I had my husband take me to the E.R. in the middle of the night because I couldn’t breathe. Every night after, I kept thinking I would have to go back. They did a lung scan, x-rays, upper GI, EKG; all to be normal. The doctor then diagnosed me with anxiety/panic attacks, suggested I go talk to a psychologist, and go on anti-depressants. Desperate, I went on Lexapro for 4 days. My body and mind knew that wasn’t what I needed, so I stopped them. Thankfully, my mind went back 5 years ago to a very brief talk I had with you. I was at the Waverly Wellness House for an appointment with Donna, and you and I chatted for a few minutes. I decided to call you and make an appointment. You were so calming and reassuring, I knew I had made the right decision, even though 5 years had passed since I had last spoke to you. On our first appointment, you relieved very deep-set feelings of childhood fears, sadness and abandonment issues. We also discarded anger and anxiety in my personal and professional life. You showed me I am capable of handling life with its ups and downs by having faith in myself and in God. At the end of our meeting, I reluctantly asked if I could call you if I needed you. Very kindly you said, “yes,” and looked at me with such confidence and said “But you will be fine.” Well, I was! I left your office smiling, (which you taught me to do more) and taking healthy deep breaths. I arrived home after our appointment to find my husband with his boat hooked up to his truck, and ready to take it to be winterized. He asked me to go for a ride with him. I went along so I could excitedly tell him about the new me. Upon traveling about 20 minutes, safely pulling the boat and trailer behind us, we got off the highway and onto Route 6. After a couple of minutes we glanced behind us to check the boat and no boat and trailer! They were gone! We did a U-turn and headed down the hill looking frantically for them. The traffic was all very normal, no signs of any accidents of any kind caused by a runaway boat. Looking ahead, there was a gas station with a little patch of grass, with the boat and trailer stuck into the grass after it hopped the curb. It did not hurt a soul, nor damage any car or property. The police officer who arrived asked if I was alright, and I explained I just came from an appointment to handle my stress and anxiety. His remark was that you are so good at what you do, because I was amazingly calm. He also said he thought someone was looking over us, because the chances of that boat not seriously hurting someone were miraculous. The insurance company ended up totaling both the trailer and boat To end this success story, I am now sleeping peacefully, eating better and feel confident to look for a job. I smile more, worry less and handle life’s ups and downs. Thank you Dr. Don for all of your help. Your compassion and reassurance has literally turned my nightmare into a nice dream. With much thanks and admiration for you and your work. Sincerely, Amber |